Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Title IX

I had never previously thought too much about women in technology; I had noticed the lack that existed in classes and interviews, but I didn't really consider my position on the topic. After reading some articles assigned for class, however, I found myself pondering the issue and possible solutions. The article in particular with which I disagreed was in the September 2003 Computing Research News (, where Senator Wyden considers Title IX as a driving influence in rectifying the problem. I have strong opinions about Title IX; whereas it is a good idea and has paved the way for many beneficial programs, I also have seen detrimental effects. History has shown on several occasions that the involvement of government in many issues is detrimental to the development of society; as such, any progress that is made in the name of a law passed by the government is a two-edged sword. I feel that there definitely should be more women in Mathematics and Engineering, but not by way of Title IX.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Jeff. Title IX is not a good solution. Personally I think positive exposure to Technology in elementary and middle schools would increase numbers for both men and women. I was fortunate enough to have a Multimedia class in 6th grade that taught us (then Macromedia) Flash, Photoshop, and Dreamwaver. I would later be introduced to programming from my exposure to those programs at a young age.
